Steel Coffin: Americas automobile Addiction

January 26, 2004 a METRO bus driver ran the stop sign at 4th and Greenlake, even after he made eye contact with me and I was no more that 30 feet from this fat bastard (look at the photo and decide for yourself) when he whipped around the corner from 4th to Greenlake.

Now the funny thing is that I have just moved to Seattle but I knew this guy was just going to go around the corner and park at Albertsons grocery store.

Sure enough this guy zooms around the next corner and pulls to a stop. This is when he jumped up and changed the sign on the bus from the #26 to the #42 bus. I snapped a quick picture and headed to my destination. It was then that I noticed this guy has made this bus say it was going to Martin Luther King Drive. Well I happen to know that M.L. King Drive is way across town. I then felt that this driver was trying to hide his identity but I can also tell you that this is bus 3313.

Then I got pissed and turned around to take another picture of this guy as he walked in the store.

Fat, Lazy American. This guy is lucky to have such a cushy job. Now I am going to do every thing in my power to take it from him.